Today theatre has become an area where artistic means interact - a crossing point between visual art and multimedia. The line between drama and art has blurred while artists use performing art more and more as means of expression.

The Theatre Costume Department program looks at theatre in the contemporary art context, offering the student a comprehensive theoretical and practical basis of theater in all its aspects.

The skills are taught through practical exercises, with text analysis, dramaturgy, semiotics, character analysis, technical research and practice at their core, while also offering a comprehensive program in practical skills, such as drawing, as well as numerous workshops in the making of costumes, masks, puppets, and many more. The department is led by a team of teachers and guest lecturers - each one with their own artistic vision - offering the students broad perspective through practical exercises, stages and workshops.

The program consists in a 3 year Bachelor Program and a 1 year Master.

The Bachelor is short and intensive. It consists, first of all, in an in-depth study of theater theory subjects accompanied by frequent visits to theatre performances, aimed to develop student's critical analysis. Own projects are developed through research, as well. An important part of the program is participation in actual theatre projects through stages that start already in the second year Bachelor, as collaborations with other theatre schools as group projects at first, and later on - on a more individual basis.

The Master year is entirely focused on professional level theatre work where each student makes his or her own path in gaining knowledge and experience both through theoretic research and practical work. The Theatre Costume Design Department is not meant to train costumiers but actual costume designers which requires more prior knowledge. It is therefore important that entry exam candidates have a broad cultural and social interest, an insight in the art world, drawing skills, and, above all, a passion for theatre.
© 2010 Theaterkostuum [Theater Costume] - Koniklijke Academie Voor Schone Kunsten [Royal Academy of Fine Arts] - AP Hogeschool Antwerpen | design by ALBERTcan